A downloadable game for Windows

My first game.

Started from Unity course - create with code.

I took inspiration from Super Mario Bros and Super Meat Boy.

I'm keeping it simple. Basic plat-former, get the best time on level.

Keep an eye on comments section where I post change log.

I'll keep updating this listing with the latest version.

Please leave comments and suggestions to what you'd like to see.


superdeedeev0.5.2win.zip 67 MB

Install instructions

Download, extract, play


Log in with itch.io to leave a comment.

Change log V0.5.2:

lots of behind the scenes changes

Added intro video for my studio name

Added some fun on main menu

Added button to return to main menu

Added "backspace" as restart during play

Change log V0.51:

Added additional particle effects

Added background

Fixed jumping issues

Added game timer